VideoSwap: Customized Video Subject Swapping with
Interactive Semantic Point Correspondence

Supplementary Material

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User-Point Interaction Demo Video

We define the following two types of user-point interaction on the keyframe:

The accompanying demo video illustrates how users interact with semantic points to edit the video.


Qualitative Results of VideoSwap

1. Animal Swap

Reference Images for Customized Concepts:

Reference of the customized conecpts


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Source Video: "A kitten turning its head on a wooden floor." kitten -> V catA kitten -> V dogA kitten -> V dogB kitten -> panda kitten -> monkey
Source Video: "A cat walking on a piano keyboard." cat -> V catA cat -> V dogA cat -> V dogB cat -> panda cat -> monkey
Source Video: "A black swan swimming in a pond." black swan -> V catA black swan -> V dogA black swan -> V dogB black swan -> duck black swan -> seal
Source Video: "A monkey sitting on the ground eating something." monkey -> V catA monkey -> teddy bear monkey -> tiger monkey -> cow monkey -> wolf
Source Video: "An elk standing and turning its head in a field." elk -> V dogB elk -> tiger elk -> cow elk -> lion elk -> pig
Source Video: "A dog sitting on the side of a car window looking out the window." dog -> V catA dog -> V dogA dog -> V dogB dog -> wolf dog -> teddy bear

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2. Object Swap

Reference Images for Customized Concepts:

Reference of the customized conecpts
Source Video: "A silver jeep driving down a curvy road in the countryside." silver jeep -> V carA silver jeep -> V porsche silver jeep -> truck
Source Video: "A car driving down a road with wind turbine and grass." car -> V carA car -> V porsche car -> van
Source Video: "An airplane flying above the clouds in the sky." airplane -> V jet airplane -> helicopter airplane -> balloon
Source Video: "An airplane flying above the clouds in the sky." airplane -> V jet airplane -> helicopter airplane -> UFO
Source Video: "A boat is traveling through the water near a rocky shore." boat -> V yacht boat -> V sailboat boat -> canoe
Source Video: "A boat is traveling through the sea." boat -> V yacht boat -> V sailboat boat -> canoe


Qualitative Comparison

1. Compare to Previous Video-Editing Methods

We compare VideoSwap with following video-editing methods:

We utilize pre-defined concepts in the pretrained model and retrieve several images for shape reference. In comparison with previous methods, VideoSwap can reveal the correct shape of a given concept while aligning the motion of the source video.

Retrived Images for Pre-defined Concepts:

Reference of the customized conecpts


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Source Video VideoSwap (Ours) Rerender-A-Video TokenFlow Text2Video-Zero StableVideo Tune-A-Video FateZero
Source Prompt: "An airplane flying above the clouds in the sky." airplane -> helicopter airplane -> helicopter airplane -> helicopter airplane -> helicopter airplane -> helicopter airplane -> helicopter airplane -> helicopter
Source Prompt: "A black swan swimming in a pond." black swan -> duck black swan -> duck black swan -> duck black swan -> duck black swan -> duck black swan -> duck black swan -> duck
Source Prompt: "A silver jeep driving down a curvy road in the countryside." silver jeep -> convertible silver jeep -> convertible silver jeep -> convertible silver jeep -> convertible silver jeep -> convertible silver jeep -> convertible silver jeep -> convertible
Source Prompt: "An elk standing and turning its head in a field." elk -> tiger elk -> tiger elk -> tiger elk -> tiger elk -> tiger elk -> tiger elk -> tiger

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2. Compare to Baselines on AnimateDiff

We also compare with several baselines built upon AniamteDiff [7]. The only difference with our method is in motion injection:

Reference Images for Customized Concepts:

Reference of the customized conecpts


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Source Video VideoSwap (Ours) DDIM-Only DDIM + Tune-A-Video DDIM + T2I-Adapter
Source Prompt: "An airplane flying above the clouds in the sky." airplane -> V jet airplane -> V jet airplane -> V jet airplane -> V jet
Source Prompt: "A dog sitting on the side of a car window looking out the window." dog -> V catA dog -> V catA dog -> V catA dog -> V catA
Source Prompt: "A boat is traveling through the water near a rocky shore." boat -> V sailboat boat -> V sailboat boat -> V sailboat boat -> V sailboat
Source Video: "A monkey sitting on the ground eating something." monkey -> teddy bear monkey -> teddy bear monkey -> teddy bear monkey -> teddy bear

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Ablation Studies

In this section, we provide ablation study results of our method as mentioned in the paper.
Please refer to Sec. 4.3 in the paper for more details.

1. Sparse Motion Feature

To incorporate semantic points as correspondence, we generate sparse motion features by placing the projected DIFT-Embedding in an empty feature. When compared to other point encoding variants, this method yields superior motion alignment and video quality, with the least registration time-cost.


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Source Video DIFT Embedding + MLP (Ours)
100 Iters
Point Map + T2I-Adapter
100 Iters
Learnable Embedding + MLP
100 Iters
Learnable Embedding + MLP
300 Iters
Source Prompt: "A monkey sitting on the ground eating something." monkey -> tiger monkey -> tiger monkey -> tiger monkey -> tiger
Source Prompt: "A dog sitting on the side of a car window looking out the window." dog -> V catA dog -> V catA dog -> V catA dog -> V catA

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2. Point Patch Loss

To enhance the learning of semantic point correspondence, we limit the computation of diffusion loss to a small patch around each semantic point. This approach prevents the structure of the source subject from leaking into the target swap, eliminating artifacts caused by structure leakage.

Source Video w/ Point Patch Loss (Ours) w/o Point Patch Loss
Source Prompt: "An elk standing and turning its head in a field." elk -> tiger elk -> tiger
Source Prompt: "A cat is walking on the floor at a room." cat -> V dogB cat -> V dogB
Source Prompt: "An airplane flying above the clouds in the sky." airplane -> helicopter airplane -> helicopter


3. Semantic-Enhanced Schedule

To enhance the learning of semantic point correspondence, we prioritize registering semantic points at higher timesteps (i.e., \(t \in [0.5T, T)\)), thereby enhancing semantic point alignment.

Source Video Register Semantic Point at
\(t \in [0.5T, T)\) (Ours)
Register Semantic Point at
\(t \in [0, T)\)
Source Prompt: "A dog sitting on the side of a car window looking out the window." dog -> V catA dog -> V catA
14-th source frame (semantic point visualization) Register Semantic Point at
\(t \in [0.5T, T)\) (Ours)
Register Semantic Point at
\(t \in [0, T)\)
Reference of the customized conecpts Reference of the customized conecpts Reference of the customized conecpts
Source Video Register Semantic Point at
\(t \in [0.5T, T)\) (Ours)
Register Semantic Point at
\(t \in [0, T)\)
Source Prompt: "A silver jeep driving down a curvy road in the countryside." silver jeep -> V porsche silver jeep -> V porsche
14-th source frame (semantic point visualization) Register Semantic Point at
\(t \in [0.5T, T)\) (Ours)
Register Semantic Point at
\(t \in [0, T)\)
Reference of the customized conecpts Reference of the customized conecpts Reference of the customized conecpts


4. Drag-based Point Control

VideoSwap supports dragging point at one keyframe. We propagate the dragged displacement throughout the entire video, resulting in a consistent dragged trajectory. By adopting the dragged trajectory as motion guidance, we can reveal the correct shape of target concept.

Reference Images for Customized Concepts:

Reference of the customized conecpts


Reference of the customized conecpts
Source Prompt: "A black swan swimming in a pond."
Target Swap: black swan -> duck
Source Point Trajectory Result Guided by Source Point Trajectory
Dragged Point Trajectory Result Guided by Dragged Point Trajectory
Reference of the customized conecpts
Source Prompt: "A silver jeep driving down a curvy road in the countryside."
Target Swap: silver jeep -> V carA
Source Point Trajectory Result Guided by Source Point Trajectory
Dragged Point Trajectory Result Guided by Dragged Point Trajectory



[1] Shuai Yang, Yifan Zhou, Ziwei Liu and Chen Change Loy. Rerender A Video: Zero-Shot Text-Guided Video-to-Video Translation. SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023.

[2] Michal Geyer, Omer Bar-Tal, Shai Bagon and Tali Dekel. Tokenflow: Consistent diffusion features for consistent video editing. arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.10373, 2023.

[3] Levon Khachatryan, Andranik Movsisyan, Vahram Tadevosyan, Roberto Henschel, Zhangyang Wang, Shant Navasardyan and Humphrey Shi. Text2video-zero: Text-to-image diffusion models are zero-shot video generators. ICCV, 2023.

[4] Wenhao Chai, Xun Guo, Gaoang Wang and Yan Lu. Stablevideo: Text-driven consistency-aware diffusion video editing. ICCV, 2023.

[5] Jay Zhangjie Wu, Yixiao Ge, Xintao Wang, Weixian Lei, Yuchao Gu, Wynne Hsu, Ying Shan, Xiaohu Qie and Mike Zheng Shou. Tune-a-video: One-shot tuning of image diffusion models for text-to-video generation. ICCV, 2023.

[6] Chenyang Qi, Xiaodong Cun, Yong Zhang, Chenyang Lei, Xintao Wang, Ying Shan and Qifeng Chen. FateZero: Fusing Attentions for Zero-shot Text-based Video Editing. ICCV, 2023.

[7] Yuwei Guo, Ceyuan Yang, Anyi Rao, Yaohui Wang, Yu Qiao, Dahua Lin, and Bo Dai. Animatediff: Animate your personalized text-to-image diffusion models without specific tuning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.04725, 2023.